Monday, January 28, 2013


    If Dr.King was to walk in my class today he would be proud and then again he will not be proud.He would be proud at the fact  that blacks,whites,and Hispanics are all in one class together without people saying racist remarks towards others.Dr.King said in a speech I've been to the mountain top '' we have some difficult days ahead ''. What this means to me is that he knows that things are going to get worse before they get better. He knows that there is much more work needed to be done. Today's generation doesn't really understand what he and others had to go through for blacks, Hispanics, and women to have equal rights and blacks to be in the same school and restaurants and bathrooms as whites.

    The reason Dr.King would be so proud is that we have a black president,blacks are in the same schools as whites getting the same education,women have equal rights like everyone else they can get any type of jobs.There are female officers,women in the marines,the army,some are women have higher positions then most men. Everything he ever wanted back then has came true not just because of Dr.King but many others as well.He would not be proud because there are black kids out here making these dumb decisions when he fought and died for use to get a better education and to give us an equal chance to do better but they don't want to take advantage of the fact that someone put their life on the line for them and their future.

     He would mostly be upset honestly because even the kids that do come to school everyday they come to school and just clown around and be very nonchalant about being here. They don't take advantage of someone giving them a good education. They don't understand how hard and how long Dr.king and others have fought to get us here in these schools  and these jobs. These opportunity period,he would have a fit if he was to walk into one of these class rooms let alone walk down the street. He would come to the school and see kids walking down the hall way with their pants down to their knees and hear someone saying the ''N'' word every ten seconds.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


SIMILE : A simile is using the words like or as in a sentence. For example ( shine bright like a diamond.) similes are important in writing because it makes a story more detailed and more interesting to read without using a simile the story would be boring and plain.
METAPHOR : A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares you to something  for example  (your an animal.) Metaphors are important because without it there is no story. there would just be words on a piece of paper.

Friends are like chocolate cake
You can never have too many.
Chocolate cake is like heaven -
Always amazing you with each taste or feeling.
Chocolate cake is like life with so many different pieces.
Chocolate cake is like happiness, you can never get enough of it.”


Monday, January 7, 2013


   Definition of Hyperbole: 
 Hyperbole is an exaggeration to create emphasis.It is often used in poems,for example someone might say im on fire if its like 100 degrees outside.
   Hyperbole is important to writing because it makes stories,poems,letters or what ever seem so much better it makes the story pop out to you because of that one sentence it makes the story seems ten times better than what it really is. 


School Fight


You can’t hear a pin drop
As all the kids gather around;
They are vultures

Waiting for the corpse
Of the one who loses.
The tall kid…
He swings his fist with his hurricane force.
A torrential spray of blood

Explodes from the smaller boy’s nose
And covers the tiled floor.

The vultures fly away
As the teachers quickly approach.

The tone of this poem is exited but nervous at the same time also curious to see the out come of the situation.         
   The mood that i feel when i read this is curious i want to see who is going to win. 

 Let the suicide doors up
I threw suicides on the tour bus
I threw suicides on the private jet

You know what that mean, I’m fly to death
I step in Def Jam building like I’m the shit
Tell ‘em “Give me fifty million or I’mma quit”
Most rappers taste level ain’t at my waist level
Turn up the bass ’til it’s up in your face level

Don’t do no press but I get the most press, kid
Plus your my bitch, make your bitch look like Precious
Something’ ’bout Mary she gone off that Molly
Now the whole party is melted like DalĂ­
Now everybody is movin’ they body
Don’t sell me apartment, I move in the lobby
Niggas is loiterin’ just to feel important
You gon see lawyers and niggas in Jordans

Yeah, it’s prime time, my top back, this pimp game hoe
I’m red leather, this cocaine, I’m Rick James hoe
I’m bill droppin’, Ms. Pacman is pill poppin’ ass hoe
I’m poppin’ too, these blue dolphins need two coffins
All she want is some heel money
All she need is some bill money
He take his time, he counts it out
I weighs it up, that’s real money
Check the neck, check the wrist
nd that’s excellenceThem heads turnin’, that’s exorcist
My Audemar like Mardi Gras

That’s Swiss time a
Two door preference
Roof gone George Jefferson
That white frost on that pound cake
So your Duncan Heinz is irrelevant

The tone is excited,energetic,loud and happy.The mood of this song is exiting its to get you pumped up and ready to go.It gets me ready to go do anything especially if I'm playing football i need some music to listen to this song is great for that.