My opinion is that before you go out with that peerson make sure that you can see your self with that person long term.Most people find a person they would like to be with just for a qucick second they dont really want to be in the relationship to get to know you they do it to get something else out of you.Others break-up before a holiday so that they wont have to buy them anything because they dont waqnt to waist their money or they realy do not care for that indivisual.Valentines day is a special day,its aday to be with someone you love and care about deeply.Its to be with someone that means the world to you.
Saint Valentine was beheaded on February 14 in the year 270 AD for marrying couples in defiance of a decree that the Emperor Claudius made that specifically said not to marry couples until further notice. A little over 200 years later, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th a holiday in honor of Saint Valentine.We celebrate valentines day to show the love that we haave for that person.Valentines day is a very special day for couples.Be cause it symbolizes the love that they have for one another.