Monday, February 11, 2013

Days of the week

Personification : Is giving a nonliving object or thing human qualities

Sunday : Is relaxing it wants to sleep all day.Sunday is sad because it knows that monday is almost there.Sunday want to stay in bed all day and never get up.

Monday : Is like a person who doesnt want to wake up.Monday wants to stay home and just relax all day.Its like a grumpy old man who wants his soup.

Tuesday : Is like a little kid one minute they are happy and the next they are mad because they cant get what they want.Like i want it to be friday.

Wendsday : Is the hump day its half way over.Wendsday is bipolar its happy because halfh the week is over.But then its mad because friday is not near.

Thursday : Is like a grandmother happy to see thier grandkids.They only come around once a week.But when they do its like a sigh of releife.

Friday : like a 9 year olds birthday party.A bunch of little kids running aroud having fun and full of excitment.They dont want the day to end.

Saturday : Is like a man laying down in the bed with a sigh of relife.Knowing that you have nothing important to do.You have the day to your self to do what you want.

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