- What was the Apartheid?
- What is an Afrikaans?
- Why was there racial strife in South Africa?
- What was Nelson Mandela's personal history? Where/when was he born? What was his education?
- Why was Nelson Mandela put in prison?
- What kind of prison was it? Where was it located?
- What happened to his family while he was in prison?
- How long was he in prison?
- How did he become President of South Africa?
- What were his goals as President of South Africa? How did he accomplish these goal?
Answers ;
1. Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced by the national party governments who where the ruling part from 1948 to 1994 of South Africa.
3. There was racial strife in South Africa because for so long it has been segregation out there blacks had very little rights just like in the U.S. in the 1950's and 60's. Also because the government failed to do anything about the problems. They did nothing for the thousands of complaints that the people made .
5. He was put in jail for fighting for his rights and the rights of black men and women. He was trying to stop racism in South Africa.
6. It was a filthy prison it had no type of plumbing in his cell for him to use. He was forced to do hard labor in the yard. He didn't even have a bed it was like a cot on the cells floor. He had less privileges then the other inmates and given less food then them as well.
7. His family moved away and didn't talk to him at all. They felt as if they were being traded against and they thought that he was selfish for doing what he did. He knew the concupiscence's for it and so did they that's why they didn't want him to be apart of it but he did not listen to them and went on with it any way.
8. Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years for treason.
9. Nelson Mandela became the president because he led the ANC in its negotiations with the governments national party. He also won the noble peace prize. Then 22 million South Africans cast a ballot and that's how Nelson Mandela became the president of south Africa.
10. His goals as the president was to end segregation and to become one nation and to end the racial violence between the country and its people.