Friday, March 1, 2013

Race and Racism

Race and Racism 
   Many people deal with racism everyday. They deal with self racism also. Most young black females deal with it the most. They think they need to have long straight hair like a white girl or they do not like the color of their skin because they feel as if they are to black. Racism does not deal with just females wanting to look like a white women(barbie doll). Racism is all around the world its something that will never go away it will here for ever.

  Women encounter racism the worst. They feel as if they need to portray them selves as they perfect women and in their eyes that perfect women is a white women who is tall,skinny,long beautiful hair,and beautiful skin color. Most white men and women think that all black women have nappy hair,big butts,big boobs,weave,and also have big lips. To these type of racist white people that is the average black women for them. For example if a white person were to come to Plainfield High School and see how the kids act here they would think that all the black boys walk around with their pants down to their knees.


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