Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A picture is worth a 1000 words

  In this picture i see two men showing each other respect. I see two men showing good sportsmanship. One of these men lost the soccer game but they both still have a smile on their face. They both no that you cant when every game in the world sometimes you win some you loss some.This must have been one important game because in the back of this photo is camera men, reporters, and thousands of fans in the stands.

  This picture means a lot to some people. It means a lot to me also because i do sports as well. And when you play any type of sport you have to have good sportsmanship or no one would want you on their team. Sportsman ship is the number one key to making something of your life. It seems like this game was a hard fought one. Everyone played their hearts out and gave it their all. That is how two teams can walk away with a smile when they know that they played a good game a gave it their all and never gave up on any play.

  This picture looks like it was took in the 1980's. This could have been a picture of the first black man to play soccer. It could be a picture of the two best players in the league. One of the two men could have been the MVP of the game. All i have to say is that this picture makes  a person want to go out a play a sport because by them two smiling makes it look like they are out there having tons of fun with their teammates.

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